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Sunday, February 23, 2025

“EPO platform with patents against destructive fires”

We would like to inform you that today, May 23, 2023, a press release was published by the European Patent Office (EPO), regarding the platform created to showcase patents related to the prevention, extinguishing, and post-fire management of destructive fires caused by climate change, which are occurring in various parts of the world.

The EPO, in line with its commitment to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, promotes the role of intellectual property in achieving 7 of these goals. This is done through conferences, seminars, and various other interactive events. To compile the data for this platform patent examiners from Greece, Italy, France, Spain, and Portugal worked intensively.

The attached press release is in Greek.

ΔΤ (23052023)Πλατφόρμα ΔΕ για την πρόληψη των πυρκαγιών