210 6183580 - 582 | info@obi.gr

Friday, January 31, 2025


Many applicants or holders of Industrial Property Titles (National Patents and Utility Models, International Applications [PCT], European Patent Applications, National Trademarks, European Trademarks, International Trademarks, National Industrial Designs, European Industrial Designs, International Industrial Designs) receive letters and invoices from companies and individuals asking them to pay fees.

These companies and individuals use names, abbreviations, and/or logos designed to create the impression that the communication is from an official body, such as OBI, WIPO, EPO, or EUIPO, to give the impression that they are acting on their behalf.

These requests are intended to mislead you.

Regardless of the registration services offered in such letters, they are not related to OBI, WIPO, EPO, or EUIPO and are not associated with any of the procedures for processing industrial property titles.

The letters often specify a particular application, with all the details it may contain (application number, publication number, filing date, priority data, trademark text or image, European or international trademark number, etc.).

Information and examples of letters and invoices received can be found on the following websites:

If you have any questions and/or have received a letter that seems suspicious, please contact the International, Community & European Applications Reception Department at the following phone numbers: 210-6183667 or 211-1097918, or by email at sflo@obi.gr