In Corfu on November 15, 2024, an educational program was held by the Hellenic Industrial Property Organisation (OBI), as part of the Authenticities Project of the EUIPO – European Union Intellectual Property Office, which certified the island as Authenticity.
With the goal of informing and raising awareness among students from a young age, the Hellenic Industrial Property Organisation continues to implement its vision for cities that are based on healthy entrepreneurship, with respect for consumer health, as well as boosting the purchasing power of each region, exclusively through authentic and high-quality products.
Students from Corfu Secondary Schools visited the Ionian Parliament, where, accompanied by their teachers, they had the unique opportunity to be informed and interact while attending an educational session on the basic concepts of Intellectual Property, with a focus on the protection titles provided by the Organisation.
The educational program was presented by Rania Zacharopoulou, Head of the OBI Communications Department and Project Manager for the Authenticities Program in Greece, as well as Vivian Makri, Head of the OBI Innovation Dissemination Department.