We would like to inform you that on Wednesday, April 3, 2024, at 10:00 AM, the current electronic submission service for Industrial Property Title Applications, hosted on the OBI website (https://efiling.obi.gr/), will be replaced with the new upgraded service at the following link: https://epatents.obi.gr/
The new service was developed within the framework of the collaboration between the Hellenic Industrial Property Organisation (OBI) and the European Patent Office (EPO), featuring new user-friendly functions.
It includes the following categories of application submissions:
- Patent / Partial Application / Patent Modification
- Utility Model Certificate
- Translation of Claims for European Patent Application
- Translation of European Patent
- Modified European Patent
- Limited European Patent
- Supplementary Protection Certificate for Plant Protection Products
- Supplementary Protection Certificate for Medicinal Products
- Supplementary Protection Certificate for Pediatric Medicinal Products
- Prior Art Search
Additionally, for the categories above, the following options are available:
- Supplemental Documents for Incomplete Filing
- Supplemental Documents for 4-Month Period
- Changes
- Supplemental Documents for Changes
- Request for Copies
- Priority Certificate
- Certificates
- Other Requests