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Friday, March 14, 2025

Preventing cyber theft of trade secrets in SMEs: A comprehensive toolkit

“The European Commission has developed a toolkit to prevent trade secret theft in cyberspace to support small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

This toolkit is part of the EU’s broader initiative to combat counterfeiting and protect innovation, as outlined in the Commission Recommendation on combating counterfeiting and enhancing enforcement of intellectual property (IP) rights, https://single-market-economy.ec.europa.eu/publications/commission-recommendation-measures-combat-counterfeiting-and-enhance-enforcement-intellectual_en?prefLang=el%23files.

The aim of the initiative is to empower SMEs to safeguard their trade secrets, especially in high-risk sectors such as energy, biotechnology, transport, defense, and semiconductors.

It includes awareness material on the risks of theft and cyber-attack methods, as well as best practices for securing trade secrets.

Additionally, it offers courses designed for SME professionals to help them prevent and respond to cyberattacks.

More information about the toolkit can be found at the following link:”

Preventing cyber theft of trade secrets in SMEs: A comprehensive toolkit – European Commission (europa.eu)