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Thursday, March 13, 2025

Officially Recognized Exhibitions

This announcement publishes the list of officially recognized exhibitions under the International Exhibitions Convention signed in Paris on November 22, 1928, and ratified by Law 5562/1932 (Government Gazette A’ 221), which have been registered to date with the International Exhibitions Bureau for the period 2025-2030, for the application of Article 5, Paragraph 9b of Law 1733/1987 regarding patents or Article 14, Paragraph 2 of Presidential Decree 259/1997 regarding industrial designs.

Time period of the International Exhibition

Location of the International Exhibition

Theme of the International Exhibition

13.04. – 13.10.2025


Osaka (JP)

Expo 2025 – Designing Future Society for Our Lives


01.10.2030 – 31.03.2031

Riyadh (Saudi Arabia)

Expo 2030 – Foresight for Tomorrow


The presentation of an invention or industrial design at one of the above exhibitions by the applicant or their universal or specific successor does not destroy the novelty of the invention or industrial design, provided that the disclosure to the public occurred within 6 months before the filing date of the patent application or the registration of the design or model with the OBI, and on the condition that the applicant declares this in their application to the OBI and provides a certificate from the exhibition organizer within 4 months of filing the application.