210 6183580 - 582 | info@obi.gr

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

“HIPA: Invitation to participate in the National Examinations”

The Hellenic Industrial Property Academy (HIPA), a self-contained service of the Hellenic Industrial Property Organisation (O.B.I.), invites interested parties to submit their candidacy for participation in the National Examinations, which will take place on March 29, 2025, Saturday, at the headquarters of the Hellenic Industrial Property Organisation in Maroussi, Attica, G. Stavroulaki (formerly Pantanassis), No. 5, at 10:00 a.m.

Candidacies must be submitted electronically by sending an email to the HIPA address (academy@obi.gr) by Friday, March 7, 2025, at 3:00 p.m.

In the following invitation, please read the Conditions/Documentation for participation:

Invitation_HIPA Examinations (Greek)

HIPA Application for participation in the National Examinations (Greek)