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Home Technological Information IPorta – EU Project For SMEs

IPorta – EU Project For SMEs

The  IPorta (“EU ACCESSIBLE INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY”) project is a continuation of the IPeuropAware (“IP Awareness and Enforcement: Modular based Actions for SMEs”), EU project.

Within IPorta the partners aim to coordinate, cooperate and build  synergies with other partners, for enhancing the competitiveness of SMEs by integrating IPRs and the related supporting services in their business plans/strategies.

The project is co-financed by the European Commission (DG Enterprise and Industry), for a duration of 3 years (16.12.2011-15.12.2014), with 15 co-beneficiary partners, out of which 14 National Offices and 11 associated partners. The main activities of the project are:

• Activity 1: Creation and up-grading of IPR services
Creation or improvement of IPR support services in cooperation with other actors/intermediaries for common awareness raising activities and training, for developing, updating and disseminating relevant IP tools eg for IP valuation, IP management

• Activity 2: Expanding further and updating the single EU website www.innovaccess.eu with national and European level information on IPR in an SME-friendly manner
Further development of innovaccess website and integration of IP toolbox

• Activity 3: Network of national offices’ helpdesks
Development of an active and efficient network of “helpdesks”, via training of helpdesks’ staff for improving the offered services, exchange of best practices, update the signposting directory and FAQ on enforcement

(IP: Intellectual Property
SME: Small and Medium Sized Enterprise
IPR: Intellectual Property Rights
FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions)