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Sunday, September 1, 2024
Home Technological Information VIP4SME – EC Project For SMEs

VIP4SME – EC Project For SMEs

OBI having always as its main goal the support of the public at large and of the SMEs on IP issues, participated in the VIP4SME projectof of the European Commission.

The project VIP4SME (Value Intellectual Property for SMEs) started on December 2015 and lasted 4 years (15/12/2015-14/12/2019).

Its main objectives were:
– The support and promotion of services related to IP to the SMEs
– The understanding of the value of IP
– The adaptation/implementation of IP policies and  strategies for the management of IP
– The conversion of IP to commercial value and competitiveness

Under this project, 2 videos have already been produced (VIP4SME general, VIP4SME services) and  tools/methodologies were developed for the IP management, that meet best SMEs needs.

Video VIP4SME general: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M-JsdRCZE0c
Video VIP4SME services: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fjgFMrxKonU
