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Tuesday, March 25, 2025

International Trade mark

With the aim of facilitating the information of the public in respect of international Trademarks where the country of designation is Greece, we inform you that on O.B.I.’s website the file under the title “INTENATIONAL TRADEMARKS WHERE GREECE IS THE COUNTRY OF DESIGNATION GAZETTE 17_2000 TO 41_2022», as well as the file entitled as “INTERNATIONAL TRADEMARKS WHERE GREECE IS THE COUNTRY OF DESIGNATION GAZETTE 42_2022 TO 16_2023” are posted, while the latter file also entails the representation of international trademark, where it exists.

Provided that interested parties will be directly informed by the website of O.B.I. in relation to international trade marks and their representation, with effect from 01.01.2023, the representations book concerning international trade marks is abolished.

The Madrid Protocol concerns Trade Marks International Registration, and it was implemented in Greece on August 10, 2000. The Register of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) is considered as the official register of international registrations. Entries in the above register which are contrary to the entries into the Trade Marks Register kept by the Hellenic Industrial Property Organization (Organismos Biomixanikis Idioktisias (O.B.I.)) are considered to prevail against the latter.

Any Greek citizen or resident in Greece or a company with actual and permanent industrial or commercial establishment in Greece, has the right to submit to the Hellenic Industrial Property Organisation (O.B.I.) an application for the registration of an International Trade Mark, after having previously filed the same trade mark as a national one.

For this filing the following are required:

An ΜΜ2(Ε) Application in one copy bearing the original seal/signature of the depositor or of the assignee, printed, 1 page per sheet (available at the website of the Organization)

A copy of the national trade mark.

Submission by the means of a USB or other suitable electronic storage medium of the:

  1. application in an electronic format (preferably PDF editable),
  2. the trade mark’s logo in a .jpg or .jpeg format,

A 15 Euros fee for the forwarding of the application to the International Office of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) at Geneva.

Instructions for completing the ΜΜ2(Ε) application

The proprietor of the trade mark has the right to fil the application himself. The signing of the application by a lawyer is optional and in this case a documentation of power of attorney is not required. In the case where the application concerning an international trade mark is submitted within a time – period of six (6) months from the date of filing the national mark, the depositor has the right to claim priority. The application consists of 13 pages, and it is completed either in English or in French. On the 9th page of the application there is a catalogue of selecting destination countries, where the applicant fills in the countries that he wishes so. On the 12th page, the applicant has recourse to the link www.wipo.int/madrid/en/fees/calculator.jsp in order to identify which countries have established individual fees or complementary fees, as well as the costs per class for these countries. Depending on the country/countries of destination, the system automatically calculates the costs per country, as well as the base fee. The calculation of the fees required takes place as follows: In the field entitled as “fee calculator” we fill in the country or countries of destination, the class or the classes of goods/services, whether the trade mark is black and white or coloured, and it automatically calculates in detail all the costs per country, as well as the base fee for filing. The detail result of the costs (in Swiss Francs CHF) is filled in the page 12 of the application and the applicant shall pay the total amount to the International Office, selecting respectively one of the methods indicated in the application form on page 13.  The depositors of international trade marks applications, the new proprietors of an international trademark who submit an application for its modification, as well as the new assigned attorneys – at – law who are appointed in order to replace the older ones, by the means of their respective applications to WIPO, shall mention both the e-mails of the depositor or of the proprietor of the trade mark and that of his assigned attorney – at – law.

Search concerning International Trade marks: The search of international trademarks is made via the website: https://www3.wipo.int/madrid/monitor/en/. If during the check the trade mark that we are searching for and that we wish to see if that trade mark is valid as an international one at the countries where we want it to be valid, then in the field “Designated Contracting Parties” we confirm whether the initials of this country exist or not.