- General Secretariat for Research & Technology: www.gsrt.gr
- General Secretariat of Commerce (for Trademarks): www.gge.gr
- Intellectual Property Organisation (OPI): www.opi.gr
- Athens Chamber of Commerce & Industry: www.acci.gr
- The “PRAXI” Network: www.help-forward.gr
- National Documentation Center: www.ekt.gr
- The Center for Research and Technology Hellas (CERTH): www.certh.gr
- Business and Cultural Development Centre (KEPA): http://www.e-kepa.gr/frontend/index.php?chlang=EN
- GRnet Networking and Research Education (ΕΔΕΤ): www.grnet.gr
- Urban and Regional Innovation Research Unit: http://www.urenio.org
- Information Society: http://www.infosoc.gr/infosoc/en-UK/default.htm
- Community Research and Development Information Center: www.cordis.europa.eu/
- European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT): http://eit.europa.eu/
- Incubator for Business-Rethymno Crete: http://www.incubator.vioparet.gr/
- Innovation Center of Microsoft Hellas: www.innovationday.gr
- GEANT Network (collaboration of national research and education networks): http://www.geant.net/
- Hellenic Association of Young Entrepreneurs (ESYNE): www.esyne.gr
- Yes for Europe – Young Entrepreneurs for Europe: www.yes.be/
- Corallia-Hellenic Technology Clusters Initiative: www.corallia.org/gr/home.html
- Federation of Industries of Northern Greece (FING): www.sbbe.gr
- Enterprise Europe Network – Hellas, member of Enterprise Europe Network: http://www.enterprise-hellas.gr
- World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) – Member-States: http://www.wipo.int/members/en/
- European Patent Office (ΕΡΟ) – Member- States: http://www.epo.org/about-us/organisation/member-states.html // http://www.epo.org/service-support/useful-links/national-offices.html
- Technological Portal ʽINNOVATIONʼ:
- Hellenic Federation of Enterprises (SEV): www.sev.org.gr
- The Hellenic Confederation of Professionals, Craftsmen & Merchants (GSEVEE): www.imegsevee.gr
- “Startup Greece”: www.startupgreece.gov.gr
- European Patent Institute in Munich (EPI) – Education and Training Announcements: http://www.patentepi.com/en/education-and-training/
Links for Industrial Design
- Department of and Systems Design Engineering (University of Aegean): www.syros.aegean.gr
- Association of Silversmiths and Jewelry Manufacturers: www.sva.gr/
- British Center Design against Crime: http://www.designagainstcrime.com/index.php
- International Design Excellence Award: http://www.idsa.org/idea
- Technological Museum PHAETON: http://www.phaetonmuseum.gr/
Regional Innovation Poles
- Central Macedonia: www.innopole.gr
- Western Greece: www.innopolewest.gr